Sunday, June 28, 2009

Party Time at Amanda's....

you know how it is when we get together and there is food, drink and silly hats.. or in this particular case.. bras....Stacy as usual was a great sport and modeled very nicely as she regaled us with yummy smell pretties...
Kathi sittin' pretty...
Cherie, Jane and Jenean
Amanda managed to turn away just in time.. and here I thought having a teeny camera would help me be sneaky....

Hah! Tracy couldn't hide this time! yay for Babies in the lap. I somehow missed both Mom's, probably becuase of the angle I was taking pictures at. and you are also spared my ugly mug....

Little Miss A finally warmed up to Kathi and was the most well behaved of every female on the premises the whole afternoon.... still have no idea why she was so fascinated by me....



Mary G. said...

Looks like a fun time was had by all! Sorry I missed it!!! Thanks for sharing, DM!

Kimme said...

Wow, Tracy didn't make the baby cry? Looks like it was fun. Sorry I missed it.

Cherie said...

WOW!! Talk about quick as lightening to get those pics posted!! I am suddenly very, very scared!!!...It was fun, as always, though!

Kathi said...

Yes, a very fun day!!! Amanda, thanks for hosting a great party! Stacy was a fab demonstrator and I absolutely fell in love with little Miss Ashley! She wasn't so sure about me at first but later on she was happy to have "Grandma Kathi" hold her! What a little sweetie!

Stacy said...

Except for her accident Kathi LOL I had a great time ladies and all i can say is flower bras all the way around in August muhuahuahua (evil laugh)

Amanda said...

AHHH OMG what great pics DM! Thanks everyone for coming it was a fun day as always for this group. I'm looking forward to Aug but hope we can all get together again before that. Mary we missed you!


Stamp Maryland said...

At least this time I'm Next time you all need to crop out my extra chins!


Ramona said...

Oh how funny! I am off to check out your blog now. See your REAL art! LOL!