Friday, August 7, 2009

Birthday Celebration the Meade Girls Way

Today we all met up at CiCi's to celebrate Amanda, Tracy, and Michelle's birthday. First off let me say I was trying to set this up behind the scenes since June at my house, but that fell Tracy decides to do CiCi's for Michelle, Well Amanda then emails to throw in Tracy, So of course I then email to throw in Amanda LOL so I am amazed any of us made it with all the emails hahahaha We did make it though and it was a blast!

Tracy made some adorable ribbon hats made out of ribbon and butterflies - These hats are too cute, by far the best hats yet.....until Kimme showed up with Tracy's hat LOL

Here are some highlights of our lunch!!

Michelle and Amanda modeling the hats:

Tracy got some Fabu straw glasses LOL here is Amanda and Michelle with those

Here is the group:

Jane laughing at something Naughty said I am sure (this is actually the only pic I had of Jane without her flipping the bird hahahahahaha)

Tracy with her "special" ribbon hat LOL Kimme actually sewed on all of the ribbon!!!!

Tracy tried to conquer the hat and let it know who was boss:
Unfortunately for her the hat was too strong and attacked:
They finally came to an agreement LOL

Our Cute Hello Kitty Cupcakes:

Someone Got Michelle a Naughty Present with all kinds of interesting items:

Tracy had her son stand in for her for the group pic LOL:

No Meade get together is complete without a good ole boob hug from Jane LOL

Posted by Stacy


Mary G. said...

Great pics, Stacy! LOVE the narrative!! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone for all the love! You ladies are great, and lookin fabulous too!

Stamp Maryland said...

Leave it to the scrapbook to upload the worst pics of ME!lol
